


Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary
Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

Facts, Answers & Questions

The answers to the questions you are seeking can be found below. However, if you find yourself wanting for an answer not provided here, please give us a call and let us assist.

Naturopathy is a holistic treatment method for your mind, body and spirit. We combine medicinal techniques with natural methods to address what ails you.

People find benefits from our treatment in areas like weight loss, chronic depression, digestive problems, fertility concerns and more.

We provide a holistic approach that seeks to improve mood, natural healing and more.

IV therapy is a safe and effective method for bypassing the gastrointestinal tract to deliver natural vitamins, minerals and supplements.

People find benefits from our treatment in areas like weight loss, chronic depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety and more.

The immediacy of nutrients is the key benefit of this service, but it can also increase energy levels and improve your immune system.

Vitamin injections are a solution of key vitamins and minerals administered to the body through intravenous therapy. The particular blend is made to address individual concerns.

Our treatment appears to benefit people with the following concerns: weight loss, chronic depression, digestive problems, fertility concerns and more.

As we age, our digestive system’s ability to absorb essential nutrients declines, but this does not affect the circulatory system in the same way.