
Powerful & Effective
IV Therapy in Calgary

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

Powerful & Effective
IV Therapy in Calgary

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary
Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

IV Therapy & You

You can improve the efficacy of your vitamin intake through IV therapy in Calgary. This treatment removes the diluting effect of swallowed vitamins by entering them directly into the bloodstream. As a result of this process, you experience greater positive outcomes in a shorter amount of time, which leaves you with a revitalizing feeling. Our treatments are effective for a wide variety of health concerns, such as migraines, asthma and more.

Our Naturopathy Services

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

IV (Intravenous) Therapy

We use IV therapy to improve your body’s response to negativity. We can treat several trouble areas in your body through our stringent process of selecting the ideal mineral solutions. However, we base all of our procedures on the client’s goals to achieve the most desirable results.

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

Naturopathic Medicine

Our naturopath understands that true healing can only begin with a holistic approach to medicine. The combination of physical, mental and spiritual treatment allows us to examine the symptoms of your issue and its causes.

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

Vitamin Injections

Vitamins play a pivotal role within your body. Eating a varied diet with simple and complex nutrients might sound straightforward, but it can be quite difficult. Therefore, we utilize the latest research to provide you with the lowest concentration vitamins to achieve optimal wellness and health.

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

Is IV Intravenous Therapy For Me?

Naturopathic Clinic in Calgary

The Value of Naturopathy

Regain Balance

Your body is a structure of complex systems that interconnect in multiple profound ways. Keeping each system in balance requires forethought, positive action and comprehensive strategy. We can assist you in finding lasting outcomes that balance all aspects of your physical, and spiritual, well-being.

Support Health

We support your health through a holistic and balanced approach to your wellness. However, we also know that the only way to achieve lasting results is to believe that real change is possible. Therefore, a substantial part of our duty is supporting you on the journey to better health.

Promote Healing

Long-lasting injuries are painful and disruptive to our goals. Plus, their effects can worsen over time and make even routine tasks unbearable. Our naturopathic methods include ways to showcase and draw forth the power of your body’s healing potential.

Restore Harmony

The process of restoring harmony is not quick, but it is vital. We believe that every person has the opportunity to achieve true harmony, but they must open their minds and bodies to accepting a holistic approach.

The History of IV Therapy

Like many aspects of naturopathic medicine in Calgary, the origins of IV therapy are skewed through the lens of history. However, the concept of intravenous therapy extends back to the medieval ages. At that time, it was relatively simple, and the ideas were elementary to our modern understanding. However, these early experiments set the field for the explosion of medical knowledge in the 19th century, which still informs our decisions today.

What Our Customers Say

Your Path to Wellness through Calgary IV Therapy

Our very own Dr. Gene Sotto Ng is the head of our IV therapy in Calgary and all other aspects of our naturopathy service. As a licensed and board-certified Naturopath with a BSc (honours with distinction) in Integrative Biology and Sociology and a doctorate in Naturopathy/ Naturopathic medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), he provides effective care for all clients, including vitamin injections in Calgary.


IV therapy is a safe and effective method for bypassing the gastrointestinal tract to deliver natural vitamins, minerals and supplements.

People find benefits from our treatment in areas like weight loss, chronic depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety and more.

The immediacy of nutrients is the key benefit of this service, but it can also increase energy levels and improve your immune system.