
Seeing naturopathic doctors in Calgary can be a healthy way to help yourself feel better. Our professional staff have effective treatments that work for a variety of symptoms, and our clients come to us from a wide variety of backgrounds. Below, we look at just a few of the reasons that someone may want to visit our naturopathic clinic.


Reasons to Visit a Naturopathic Doctor in Calgary


When You Have Symptoms


If you have symptoms that you believe a Calgary naturopathic doctor could treat, you should visit a clinic. Some symptoms that we can treat include:


  • Weight loss
  • Chronic depression
  • Digestive problems
  • Fertility concerns
  • Mental health concerns


Naturopathic medicine is effective in treating a wide range of conditions, so if you are interested in treating an issue not listed above, consider contacting our clinic for an appointment to learn more.


When You Want a Natural Approach


Some of our clients come to us because they want a natural approach to their medicine. Providing a more wholesome and personalized approach to your health can be beneficial for those who want to understand more about their condition.


Female counselor wears mask during session


When You Want a Comprehensive Approach


Other clients who visit our team of naturopathic doctors in Calgary want to experience a more comprehensive approach to their health and medicine. They often work in conjunction with their medical doctors and naturopathic doctors, as well as other health professionals, to have a team approach. 


Visit Our Naturopathic Doctor Today


To learn more about what you can expect from a naturopathic approach to your medical treatment, contact our team of friendly professionals today. We can help with a variety of issues and assist you in achieving your inner wellness.


Reclaim your inner wellness at our naturopathic clinic in Calgary. Our focus is on treating individuals suffering from chronic pain or issues that modern medicine can’t help at The Inner Wellness. Our team of multidisciplinary wellness practitioners has the experience and enthusiasm to offer a comprehensive selection of services, including massage therapy, homeopathy and naturopathy in Calgary, all aimed at improving your health and well-being. We offer acupuncture, Reiki, IV therapy, vitamin injections, and various massage services. Feel rejuvenated, relaxed and restored with our Calgary holistic doctors. Book your appointment now!

Achieving your optimal wellness goals requires hard work, dedication and a desire to be better than you were yesterday. When it comes to IV therapy in Calgary, the treatment is only part of a complete wellness regime, but it is nonetheless an important part. 


As IV therapy in Calgary can help you relieve stress, regain nutrients and feel more “whole”, the benefits are plain to see. Still, perhaps all these benefits work against the treatment, as more often than not, we are asked, “can you do IV therapy at home?” Today, we answer this question.


Why You Shouldn’t Do IV Therapy in Calgary at Home



Professionalism is perhaps the most important reason for conducting IV therapy in Calgary with a trained professional. Professionalism means having a person who can answer questions about the treatment, offer advice and monitor changes over time. It also means training and education that informs decisions so that there is a basis of understanding from the outset.

Smiling spa client using a gadget during a medical procedure

Material Quality

The quality of the materials you can get at home is, at best, questionable. When you work with a naturopathic clinic that knows what to look for in the IV drip, you choose safety over satisfaction. Plus, you can better augment the contents of the treatment for your individual needs.



Finally, IV therapy should not be done at home because of a lack of experience. Sterilizing and injecting procedures are not wise to try without experience and training and could lead to significant issues afterward. 


Where to Do Your IV Therapy


Reclaim your inner wellness at our naturopathic clinic in Calgary. Our focus is on treating individuals suffering from chronic pain or issues that modern medicine can’t help at The Inner Wellness. Our team of multidisciplinary wellness practitioners has the experience and enthusiasm to offer a comprehensive selection of services, including massage therapy, homeopathy and naturopathy in Calgary, all aimed at improving your health and well-being. We offer acupuncture, Reiki, IV therapy, vitamin injections, and various massage services. Feel rejuvenated, relaxed and restored with our Calgary holistic doctors. Book your appointment now!

When it comes to professions like naturopathic doctors in Calgary, Reiki practitioners and other holistic medicine treatments, there is a lot of misunderstanding. Many people find real value in these services, and more than any individual treatment, individuals often find power in the holistic approach.

To understand the holistic experience provided by Calgary naturopathic doctors and other professionals in the field, it is first necessary to explore the individual parts of the approach, which include:

  • The Mind
  • The Body
  • The Spirit 

Each of these plays a profoundly important role in our health, but how?

The Parts

The Mind

The mind tells us how we feel. When someone speaks, it is our mind that tells us whether we like what they are saying or not. If we injure ourselves, it is our mind that dismisses or focuses on the pain. Naturopathic doctors in Calgary attempt to influence the mind through altering the body.

The Body

The body reacts to the mind. And not just in the “electrical signals from the brain to the nerve” way. We often dismiss the Placebo Effect because it is all in our minds, but interestingly, that produces a sort of cognitive dissonance, wherein we don’t acknowledge the actual physiological power that this causes.

The Spirit

Our spirit observes the body and mind. It is our spirit that tells us to act rationally when we want to rage. Our spirit is what tells the body and mind to keep walking, lifting or trying, when they scream for release. The spirit reconciles our intelligence with our emotion. This lets us acknowledge that we feel better when we pull blankets over our feverish bodies even though we know that it’s already pretty hot.


The Whole

Together, the Mind, Body and Spirit form the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. This connection allows us to objectively observe our health, note changes or concerns, and act on them through whichever method we see most applicable. For some, visiting a naturopathic clinic satisfies all three of the parts and provides a path to wellness. 

For others, a combination of exercise, healthy diet and social activity are enough to feel a sense of wellness. Ultimately, the most important part of holistic medicine is taking into account all the factors of your being and approaching your treatment from a single unified position that takes into account many different factors, opinions, experiences and expert advice. 

Reclaim your inner wellness at our naturopathic clinic in Calgary. Our focus is on treating individuals suffering from chronic pain or issues that modern medicine can’t help at The Inner Wellness. Our team of multidisciplinary wellness practitioners has the experience and enthusiasm to offer a comprehensive selection of services, including massage therapy, homeopathy and naturopathy in Calgary, all aimed at improving your health and well-being. We offer acupuncture, Reiki, IV therapy, vitamin injections, and various massage services. Feel rejuvenated, relaxed and restored with our Calgary holistic doctors. Book your appointment now!

Providing services for naturopathic medicine in Calgary means that you will always get curious clients wondering about the service. They may come in for massage, homeopathy or acupuncture services, but there is just something about naturopathy that draws the eye and demands some amount of attention. 

So, in an effort to provide more information and value to our precious clients, we’ve put together this article discussing why someone might want to visit a naturopathic doctor. Before we get into the why, though, it is first important to discuss the how.

How Calgary Naturopathic Medicine Differs from Modern Medicine

While naturopathic medicine in Calgary is effective for a variety of ailments, naturopathic doctors take a very different approach to treating their clients. Naturopathy relies on a holistic approach to health and wellness, meaning that several different factors are brought into consideration before any treatment actually begins. 


Why People Visit Naturopathic Doctors

So what can a holistic approach to your health help fix? Well, quite a bit, it seems. While most people partake in Calgary naturopathic medicine to get a better handle on their weight, release stress, calm digestive concerns or enhance their fertility, the potential benefits extend far beyond just these ailments.

Indeed, taking a complete approach to your health can yield many positive benefits. Perhaps an aching back has less to do with an old sports injury and more to do with sitting for too long between breaks. Or, a regular feeling of restlessness could be your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.

Ultimately, naturopathic medicine in Calgary can be beneficial for several reasons, and working with a naturopathic doctor may be chief among them. To learn more about what these services can do for you, contact us today.

Reclaim your inner wellness at our naturopathic clinic in Calgary. Our focus is on treating individuals suffering from chronic pain or issues that modern medicine can’t help at The Inner Wellness. Our team of multidisciplinary wellness practitioners has the experience and enthusiasm to offer a comprehensive selection of services, including massage therapy, homeopathy and naturopathy in Calgary, all aimed at improving your health and well-being. We offer acupuncture, Reiki, IV therapy, vitamin injections, and various massage services. Feel rejuvenated, relaxed and restored with our Calgary holistic doctors. Book your appointment now!